Monday, June 6, 2011

Good afternoon!

Well~ I tried to write something last night but when I take my Ambien it kicks in pretty quickly and then I just see jibberish. So I figured I'd throw down a few thoughts and then write again tonight before meds. I have restless leg syndrome (RLS) and do not sleep well. I just got diagnosed with RLS when one of the docs overheard me talking about how bad my legs hurt all of the time. I had been working out and just did not seem to recover. The Ambien used to help with my RLS but lately it did not seem to do the trick. A big cause of RLS is low ferritin, a protein that carries iron. After lab tests....guess what very low ferritin now I take lots of iron! It's helped a lot. Still my head is just full of stuff and I need to drop some of these thoughts somewhere so I guess I'm going to do it here. Like why does my 22yr old put the toilet paper on the roll where it rolls from under and not over. Hell, I tell him all of the time and he still doesn't do it the way I want. I pay for it....put it on the roll with the paper rolling over!!!! Ridiculous, I know, but I never said that what was in my head was very interesting but I will work on it~

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